рецепт приготовления борща на английском языке.
Required Products:
beef - 300 gbeet - 300 gwhite cabbage - 400 gpotatoes - 500 gcarrots - 100 groot parsley - 2 PCs.onions - 2 headsgarlic - 3 clovesclarified butter - 2 tbsp. spoonfat - 50 gsweet pepper - 1 PC.Bay leaf - 1 PC.sour cream - 150 gparsley and dillground black pepper, salt to tasteHow to prepare a recipe:
Boil the meat in 3 liters of water, add salt and pepper. Beets, cabbage and onions cut into strips, potatoes - slices.
Beet fry in butter, add a tablespoon of vinegar (3%), stew until tender in small amount of broth, add sugar (1 tablespoon), tomato paste (2 tablespoons). Strain the broth and continue to cook. Meat cut into cubes and put in boiling broth, add potatoes, cabbage and cook for 15 minutes. Then add the beets, vegetables and sweet pepper cut in shreds, spices. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add chopped garlic, pounded with fat and bring to a boil. Then let stand another 20 minutes.
говядина - 300 гсвекла - 300 гкапуста белокочанная - 400 гкартофель - 500 гморковь - 100 гкорень петрушки - 2 шт.репчатый лук - 2 головкичеснок - 3 зубчикамасло топленое - 2 ст. ложки. ложкажир - 50 гперец сладкий - 1 шт.лавровый лист - 1 шт.сметана - 150 гзелень петрушки и укропаперец черный молотый, соль по вкусуПриготовление:
Варить мясо в 3 л воды, добавить соль и перец горошком. Свеклу, капусту и репчатый лук нарезать соломкой, картофель - дольками.
Свекла обжарить на сливочном масле, добавить столовую ложку уксуса (3%), тушить до готовности в небольшом количестве бульона, добавить сахар (1 ст. ложку), томатную пасту (2 ст. ложки). Процедить бульон и продолжить варить. Мясо нарезать кубиками и положить в кипящий бульон, добавить картофель, капусту и варить в течение 15 минут. Затем добавить свеклу, овощи и сладкий перец нашинкованные соломкой, специи. Варить еще 15 минут. Добавить мелко нарезанный чеснок, растертый с жиром и довести до кипения. Затем дать постоять еще 20 минут.
The windows are blue at night.
FebruaryBut in the morning they are white.
And snowflakes are falling
Come out they are calling.
Get out of bed and take your sled
My WishThis cold and frosty day.
The sun is bright, the snow is right
For outdoor winter day.
New Year
Come, children, gather round my knee,
Something is about to be.
Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
Hark, it’s midnight, children dear,
Huck, here comes another year!
New Year
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright, We shout with all our might:
“A happy New Year!”
A happy New Year for me,
A happy New Year for you,
A happy New Year for everyone!
That’s what I wish – I do!It’s Snowing
It’s snowing, It’s snowing.
What a lot of snow!
Let us make some snowballs
We all like to throw.
It’s snowing, it’s snowing.
Let us sledge and ski!
When I’m dashing downhill
Clear the way for me!
In winter-time
When the days are chill,
A robin sits on my window-sill.
I putout bread
For him to eat,
And cake-crumbs too
As a little treat.
He picks them up
So prettily,
Then sings a “Thank you”
Song for me.
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year Tree!
New Year.
New things to learn, new friends to meet.
New songs to sing, new books to read.
New things to see, new things to hear.
New things to do in this New Year!