Answer the following questions. Use 'used to' in your answers 1. Why has Ann got such a large home library if she seems to do nothing but watch TV now?
2. Why does grandfather have so many stories to tell about life at sea?
3. Why is the doctor really pleased that Rosemary now smokes only one cigarette a day?
4. How is it that old man has a box full of medals?
5. Why has old lady got so many photos taken in big cities all over the world?
2.The park keeper told the children not to walk on the grass
3.His best friend told him not to believe everything he heard.
4.His mother told him to wait until he was older.
5.John said that he didn`t know what to do.
6. She said that it was very hot in Africa in summer.
7.George said that they were going to the party the next week.
8.The student asked the teacher what that word meant
9.She asked Ann if she liked music.
10.The teacher told the class not to make too much noise.
11.My father asked me if I liked the new headmaster