(Past continues tense)
2 My mother was washing the dishes My father was helping her.
3 My brother wasn't drawing pictures.
4 The cleaner was cleaning the house. I was making a cake.
5 Were the drivers listening to the radio?
6 Were we doing our best to win the competition?
7 Julia wasn't playing snowball with her friends.She was making a snowman.
8 Were Dorothy and Mark painting the fences?
9 I was trying to find the best present for my mother.
10 They weren't listening to their teacher.
11 The pupils were reading fairy tales.The teacher was listening to them.
12 Was the princes kissing the frog?
I had a fun spring break. My morning started with
waking up, then making my bed, brushing my teeth,
and having breakfast. After that, I can go for a walk.
Many shopping and entertainment centers were closed
due to the quarantine (the coronavirus epidemic) and I
spent more time outside, walking in the park with my brothers and sister
or playing football with friends. Sometimes pigeons flew into the park.
Sometimes my brothers and I would feed them bread crumbs or
grains. After a long walk, you can go for lunch. And
after lunch, I would repeat my lessons so that I wouldn't forget them. And already
in the evening, the whole family arranged an evening movie theater on
the TV. We watched good cartoons and cartoons
Then we went to bed.
I really liked how I spent my spring
break. I hope that during the next holidays
there will be no more coronavirus and other dangerous viruses on our land.
1) i will be a clever man and will study in the foreign countries
2) ...understand the other people who speaks English too
3)...I want to go to different countries.
4)..come to the other country.