1 The sun doesn't rise in the west.
2 Найдите слово, в котором окончание -ed произносится как [d]
3 When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my apartment.
4 Lily is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat.
5 Yesterday he was reading in bed when suddenly he heard a scream.
7 This is the best answer of all.
8 Найдите слово, в котором окончание -ed произносится как [t]
9 When were you born?
10 Найдите слово, в котором окончание -ed произносится как [id]
11 We celebrated her birthday on 15 August.
12 Carol woks five times a week.
13 Alex asked how much she had spent on foot last.
14 If I come late I will not find him at home.
15 Have you met their teacher?
с ???