Сегодня я расскажу про свою семью. У меня две бабушки и два дедушки. первую бабушку зовут Маргарита а вторую Марина. И дедушек зовут Геннадий и Виктор. Моих маму и папу зовут Светлана и Максим. у всех моих близких разные увлечения и работа. но только у моей мамы и у дедушки Виктора одинаковое хобби. это охота на уток. хотя мы и не живем все вместе, я их все равно очень люблю.
Today I will tell you about my family. I have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. the first grandmother's name is Margarita and the second Marina. And display name is Gennady and Victor. My mom and dad's name is Svetlana and Maxim. all my loved ones different Hobbies and work. but only my mom and grandpa Victor Once hobby. this is duck hunting. although we don't live together I still love very much.
I like to spent my time in deffirent ways. For especially it is going to the cinema with my friends. For it we have to choose film in advance, that will be liked by us all. Than we can go to the cinema and buy the tickets. It is not secret that when we go to the cinema we like to watch film and eat popcorn.We have to buy it in special counter. Seller tell us that we may buy something to drink too and usually we agree.Some minutes ago we should take our places respectivly to our tickets and employees of the cinema say, that we must be polite and careful.Than we enjoy the film.
What is the best title for the dialogue?
A school project
Azamat's life at school
Mariya and Azamat are friends
What is the best title for the dialogue?
A school project