Taiga is a wild coniferous forest. It consists mainly of spruce, fir, larch, pine (including cedar). This word is Turkic, in the language of some Siberian peoples "taiga" means "mountains covered with forest." Taiga occupies a huge space in the north of Europe, Asia and North America. In the European part of Russia, the taiga stretches from Karelia to the Urals, then stretches across all of Siberia, including Kamchatka and Sakhalin. In fact, the largest forest on planet Earth is the taiga, which is several times larger than the Amazon jungle. Taiga accounts for almost 90% of the total forest area, which occupies more than 1/3 of the territory of Russia.
Afew hours of flight and the goal is achieved. in-flight refreshments, lunch, movies, and other creature comforts a lot to do. you should pre-book tickets for the desired day and the issue resolved. cons, as elsewhere, are present. some just don't tolerate flying through the air. someone is not satisfied with the price of tickets (in our time it is quite expensive). and someone just might be a phobia for the services of airlines in light of the ongoing collapse of the "aircraft". think, decide. несколько часов полета и цель достигнута. в полете прохладительные напитки, обед, фильмы и другие блага цивилизации много делать. следует заранее забронировать билеты на нужный день и вопрос решен. минусы, как и везде, присутствуют. кто-то просто не терпит полетов по воздуху. кого-то не устраивает цена билетов (в наше время это довольно дорого). а кто-то просто может оказаться фобией для услуг авиакомпаний в свете продолжающегося крушения "летательных аппаратов". подумайте, решите.
Taiga occupies a huge space in the north of Europe, Asia and North America. In the European part of Russia, the taiga stretches from Karelia to the Urals, then stretches across all of Siberia, including Kamchatka and Sakhalin.
In fact, the largest forest on planet Earth is the taiga, which is several times larger than the Amazon jungle. Taiga accounts for almost 90% of the total forest area, which occupies more than 1/3 of the territory of Russia.