Now the problem of computer addiction of teenagers is very acute, because today computer games, online chats and forums are very popular and accessible to preschool children and adolescents.
This situation has a negative impact on the health and well-being of children and adolescents. Teenagers who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer, practically do not walk in the fresh air and have serious vision problems.
Unfortunately, the problem is even more gaining momentum, because most teenagers, seeing a computer screen in front of them, stop controlling themselves and do not notice how much time they spend at the computer.
It is not surprising that parents, noticing the unhealthy interest of a teenager in the computer, begin to worry and worry quite a lot.
How can parents determine that a child has a computer addiction? This can be done by the presence of specific signs of computer addiction in the child.
Such signs include the presence of a teenager at the computer for more than 6: 00 a day, the refusal of meals and homework in favor of the computer, the instability of the behavior of a teenager, when joy is quickly replaced by guilt.
In addition, a teenager who is dependent on a computer is characterized by isolation and unwillingness to communicate with friends and parents.
In addition, very often in such teenagers there is quite aggressive behavior, especially when parents try to turn off the computer.
I enjoy reading books that deal with history in some way. It can be historical fiction and non-fiction history books. I like history, so to me reading a historical book is like travelling back in time. For example, not so long ago I finished reading Michael Morpurgo's novel "War Horse" which is set before and during World War I.
I also sometimes read fantasy and science-fiction. I have already read a few books by C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.
Я люблю читать книги, которые так или иначе связаны с историей. Это могут быть исторические романы и научно-популярные книги по истории. Мне нравится история, поэтому для меня чтение исторической книги - это как путешествие в . Например, не так давно я закончил(а) читать повесть Майкла Морпурго «Боевой конь», действие в которой происходит до и во время Первой мировой войны.
Я также иногда читаю фэнтези и фантастику. Я уже прочитал(а) несколько книг К.С. Льюиса, Дж. К. Роулинг, Айзека Азимова и Рэя Брэдбери.