Baku If you have not seen ... I was told by a friend: "You, old man, probably crazy! I understand your sympathy - sorry - I can not. You regret you stand - What are you delusional? What do you groan? What is damn doldonit about Baku Baku, Baku? " He told me: "I bathed in the winter in the Red Sea, ate in Japan lemons, lived on the banks of the Rhine. Was in the south, in the east - a little, then a long time, so I laugh delight about Baku Baku, Baku ... " I told a friend: "What, the train on the planet, You learned burly wind saw it, I saw it ... But why hurt yourself? Well you still Baku have not seen! Baku If you have not seen - What then did you see? What? Баку иф йю хэв нот син Ай вос толд йю э фрэнд Йю олд мэн пробэбли крэйзи Ай андэрстэнд йю симпати Сори я кян нот Йю регрет йю стэнд Вот а йю дэлюжэнал Вот ду ю грон Вот из дамн долдонайд Эбаут баку Баку Баку Хи толд ми
Добрый день ( имя человека)! Как дела? Хочу пригласить тебя пойти со мной на футбольный матч! Давай встретимся в 16:45 возле стадиона! Буду очень рад, если ты придешь) Буду ждать!
Английская версия:) Dear (name of person ) ! How are you ? I want to invite you to come with me to a football match ! Let's meet at 16:45 near the stadium ! I would be very happy if you 'll come
a) is always trying