Курение наносит непоправимый вред. Это вредная привычка. Люди, которые курят, подвергают свое здоровье под угрозу. Курение и пьянство – извечные пороки человечества. Умереть здоровым, а не разбитым и немощным - мечта всех нормальных людей. Одним из более ядовитых для организма веществ является никотин. Особенно вредно курить женщинам.
Очень часто встретишь курильщика на улице. Каждый год в мире исключительно в результате курения, погибает от рака легких более 100 тысяч человек. Если человек решил наплевательски относиться к добрым советам природы и своему здоровью, он, как правило, преодолевает «первые трудности».
Не кури, не вреди своему здоровью!
Smoking does irreparable harm. It is an addiction. People who smoke, subject the health under threat. Smoking and alcoholism – immemorial defects of mankind. To die healthy, instead of broken and ailing - dream of all normal people. One of more poisonous for an organism of substances is nicotine. Especially harmfully to smoke to women.
You will very often meet the smoker on the street. Every year in the world it is exclusive as a result of smoking, more than 100 thousand people perish from lung cancer. If the person decided to treat devil-may-carely a good advice of the nature and the health, it, as a rule, overcomes «the first difficulties».
Don't smoke, be not injurious to the health!
My Mother Inspires Me
Most of us have a role model, a person who inspires and motivates us. For some people it can be an actor or an actress, an athlete or a politician. My role model is my mother. She is my closest and dearest person and my best friend.
Mum is a very good person. She is kind, although she can be strict, she is thoughtful and attentive, caring and patient. When I was nine years old and I was taken to hospital with reactive arthritis, mum came to the hospital every day and brought my favourite food and books.
Mum has a wonderful sense of humor and she has almost no flaws. No wonder dad loves her so much. She is not able to be angry or hold a grudge for a long time. I noticed this a long time ago, but I have never made use of it.
My mother is a wise, knowledgeable person, keen on reading books. She taught me to love books too.
When I have difficulties, I know that my mother is always ready to help me with advice. If she is not around, I always ask myself: what would she do in this or that situation.
I really want to be like my mother and sure enough I try to follow the example of her in my behaviour and attitude to life.
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