Choose the correct preposition. 1 Imagine being able of/to stop a disease before
it develops
2 Eye and hair colour are passed in/on through
3 Your characteristics can be affected by the
environment you were brought up/out in.
4 Many of our characteristics come of/from our
5 Thanks to/for scientists, we are learning more
and more about DNA.
6 Ridding the world of diseases would have a
huge impact on in our future
2. My toothache is more painful than it was yesterday.
3. She looks about 20, but in fact she is much older than she looks.
4. Your English has improved. You speak a lot more fruently than you did, when we last met.
5. Health and happines are more important than money.
6. We always go camping, when we go on holiday. It is much cheaper than staying in a hotel.
7. I like the countryside. It is healthier and more peaceful than living in a town.