Homework. 1. Write list of ten things that makes you happy. You may draw or use some pictures, but be creative. Use A4 paper, and present it in the classroom next lesson. Good luck and smile, champion! ответьте надо
1Well-bred people are loved by everyone. 2Money will be retured in time. 3He was asked not to ring her up. 4Has her picture been sold yet? 5An agreement is being signed. 6These wonderful houses were built last year. 7His pictures are always laughted at. 8They were being looked for the whole morning. 9This text must be learnt by all pupils. 10When he came home supper had already been cooked. 11The composition was written without mistakes. 12All dishes were put(placed) on the shelf. 13His lectures are always listened to with great interest. 14All invitations have been written.They can be sent. 15Her report was being discussed at 3 o'click. 16I'm not sure she will be helped. 17Have the copybooks been given to all pupils? 18Everything has been told was truth. 19I wonder when we will be met. 20Nothing was seen in the darkness.
Жил-Был человек по прозвище, Лайджоб. как то раз он пошел прогуляться по парку этой ночью, он бродил там в тишине под звездным небом. Некого не было слышно, кроме журчания фонтанчика. Как то раз, он услышал чей-то голос. Это был голос девочки. Он побежал на её голос. Оказалось это был диск. Лайджоб подумал, откуда в это тишине мог взяться диск? Он увидел дерево. На том дереве было вырезано ножом <Игрушка... О моя игрушка... Будь здесь... и пугай всех до смерти> Лайджоб немного ужаснулся. Он увидел игрушку.. ту самую игрушку на дереве.Ему хотелось разрезать её ножом, но игрушка стала монстром! Лайджоб бросился с парка, но двери были закрыты. Он начал сражаться. Долго... ли,... коротко ли. Некто об этом не знает. Та игрушка так и осталось висеть на дереве.
2Money will be retured in time.
3He was asked not to ring her up.
4Has her picture been sold yet?
5An agreement is being signed.
6These wonderful houses were built last year.
7His pictures are always laughted at.
8They were being looked for the whole morning.
9This text must be learnt by all pupils.
10When he came home supper had already been cooked.
11The composition was written without mistakes.
12All dishes were put(placed) on the shelf.
13His lectures are always listened to with great interest.
14All invitations have been written.They can be sent.
15Her report was being discussed at 3 o'click.
16I'm not sure she will be helped.
17Have the copybooks been given to all pupils?
18Everything has been told was truth.
19I wonder when we will be met.
20Nothing was seen in the darkness.
Вот это Passive Voice!)))