Read the article about mobile phones.
Why are we so addicted to mobile phones? There are now over forty million people in Britain with mobiles and if the present trend continues, every man, woman and child in Britain will soon have one–or two, or three!
They can be expensive and are possibly bad for us. You can spend a lot of money if you use your mobile a lot. According to some scientists, if we go on using mobiles, we’ll cook our brains. Some people even say that radiation from mobiles causes cancer.
Teenagers are among the biggest users of mobiles, and ‘texting’ is creating a new language full of abbreviations such as ‘How RU?’ in Japan, Surveys show teenagers are reading less and mobile use is affecting the marks of secondary school earners. A big problem in Britain is crime. Last year half a million British teenagers were victims of mobile phone thieves.
As technology improves, mobiles can do more and more. If you have one of the new multimedia mobiles, you can logon the net, pay for things, play games, interact with TV programs and take photos to send to your friends.
Еще раз прочитай текст о мобильных телефонах. Используя информацию в тексте нужно ответить на вопрос или продолжить предложение, либо начать его.
1. How many British people are addicted to mobile phones?
2. Mobiles can be the reason of…
3. …are among the biggest users of mobiles.
4. If we go on using mobiles …
My new skirt, which I bought yesterday, looks great with this blouse. (Моя новая юбка, которую я купила вчера, отлично смотрится с этой блузкой. )
She's reading the book that I gave her as a present. (Она читает книгу, которую я подарил ей.)
Annie was a girl who never did silly things. (Энни была девушкой, которая никогда не делала глупостей.)
Those are the people whose dog bit the boy yesterday. (Это те люди, чья собака вчера укусила мальчика.)
I remember the place where I first saw you. (Я помню место, где я впервые увидел тебя.)
That was the week when we painted our house. (Это было на той неделе, когда мы красили наш дом.)