До ть, англ мова. Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.
1 Tuesday / in / won't / be /1/ on / the / office
2 later / are / meeting / going /you / to / the /?
3 next / we're / conference / visiting / centre / week / the
4 Lamar / promotion /1/is / get / soon / to / going / think /a
5 Monday / we /have/ leave / early / to / on / don't
6 weather / flight / won't / our / leave / on time / in / this 7 Faiza / chair / on / will / the / Thursday / meeting
8 conference / isn't / to / going / until/ the / finish / late
1.) Переведите на русский язык; выделите инфинитив.
1. To read the text is our home task. - Прочитать текст - наше домашнее задание.
2. He wanted to study English. - Он хотел изучать английский язык.
3. I went to the library to read the article. - Я пошел в библиотеку, чтобы прочитать статью.
4. Our task is to study. - Наша задача - учиться.
5. A thermometer is an instrument to show the temperature. - Термометр - это инструмент для отображения температуры.
2.) Выберите правильное придаточное предложение.
I was sure that (1) you knew her address.
3.) Укажите глагол, который следует вставить.
А) He said that he …. come tomorrow.
Б) He thought that she … Moscow.
3.had left
В) They knew that we ...
1. should come
Г) He always says that he …. never late.
2. is
4). Подберите предложение, содержащее правильный перевод.
He said he would study English.
3. Он сказал, что будет изучать английский.