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Task 2.Read the text and complete the task. Computers
A computer is a programmable machine designed to automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations At the beginning, computers were as big as a large room. It is only later they have become smaller and smaller, accessible to anyone. This has given way to personal computers. Later developers created new applications to help users perform many things from word processing to image editing. A large scale of programs, some free and others costly, have opened new horizons in information technology. Now computers have noticeable impact on social relations. They have enabled entirely new forms of social interaction, activities, and organision. With the Internet, working with computers has become a part of our daily lives thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access. In addition to face-to-face communication that characterized humans for centuries, a new form of virtual communication has become more predominant.

Choose True or False.

1. The word computer is a new term. A. True B. False

2. Computers were accessible to anyone at the beginning. A. True B. False

3. All computer applications are free. A. True B. False

4. Computers and the Internet have shaped new social relations. A. True B. False


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ответ         задание 1.

1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

задание 2.

1. I can't live without my mobile phone and the Internet.

2. I don't often watch TV.

3. My mobile phone is my favourite gadget to communicate with friends.

4. Yes, I spend much time chatting with my friends.

5. I search more study information and songs on the Internet


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1. After breakfast, Mr Wardle said, referring to his guests: "You do not mind to go skating? The weather is beautiful, and we have the time. " 2. All the readily agreed, and the ladies began to ask Mr. Winkle to join them. They were convinced that he's a great athlete, so he never missed an opportunity to show off his skill. 3. But Mr. Winkle said that he had not practiced (tobeoutofpractice): he was not smiling in the presence of the idea to show the ladies that he does not know how to skate. 4. The ladies began to insist that he went with them and showed them his art. 5. It is useless to say that he does not have skates: he immediately offered a few pairs. 6. After that, Mr. Winkle could not go to the rink. 7. When they got to the lake, Mr. Bob Sawyer put on his skates and began to describe circles (tomakecircles) on the ice, not stopping for a moment to catch his breath. 8. Poor Mr. Winkle stood for a few minutes with skates in hand and not knowing how to wear them, he was screwing their sharp ends back (withthepointsbehind). 9. Finally, the horses were put on. Before we get to his feet, Mr. Winkle asked Sam to help him. 10. He began by saying that he had noticed that it is very slippery: he could not even stand on the ice, if someone did not support it. 11. Suddenly, Mr. Pickwick, not knowing that his young friend can not stand on the ice without assistance (unassisted), Sam called from the other side of the lake. 12. Sam was able to escape from the hands of Mr. Winkle ('sgrasp), only pushed him away. 13. The unhappy Mr. Winkle, and sat down on the ice, not even making the attempt to rise. 14. Mr. Pickwick was indignant that his friend was telling everyone that he's a good athlete. 13. He expressed his indignation that called Mr. Winkle braggart and humbug.
4,8(94 оценок)
In early June, it comes as nazyvaemoe "early summer" - the most intense, but also very happy, like a bustling holiday time of the year when caring for younger offspring imperiously seizes all wildlife.
From morning till night does not stop in the desert, the groves and gardens of the bird chorus. In it involves thousands of discordant singers in every way whistling, chirping, tweeting, cawing, screaming and squeaking. Air ringing from the loud and quiet, joyful and melancholy, melodic and harsh sounds. Birds sing while standing, sitting, and on the fly, during the holidays and in the hottest time of his working day. The bird world is covered in such excitement that the songs themselves are pulled free.
Vaughn swallow from early morning until late at night tirelessly through the air in pursuit of insatiable gnats for kids. Already then, it would seem, not to songs. And yet swallow, storming heaven, chirps something fun and lighthearted.
Remember how to fly squeal with delight black swifts. But what to say! Enough to listen to at this time on the wall expanse sonorous, full of happiness warbling larks to feel ecstatic thrill steppe oxvativshy it from edge to edge.
Avian accompany the choir, as best they can, field crickets, grasshoppers, bees, bees, mosquitoes and gnats, flies and flies and other chirping and buzzing insects countless army.
And at night, from dusk to dawn in gardens impassioned serenade rattle nightingales, and how ugly echo, they respond hundreds of frogs in the river. Seated in rows along the water's edge, they jealously trying to outshout each other.
But this feast of nature would not be a feast, if there did not take the most active part of the plant. They have made every effort to ensure that, as can be more colorful to decorate the ground. Thousands fled through the fields and meadows and turned into emerald carpets with intricate patterns of bright color palette of the corolla.
Air napoёn wall aroma of herbs. High in the blue sky floating white cloud-ships. Steppe feasting.Это лето.One of the four seasons is winter, its period - between autumn and spring, and the main characteristic feature and the winter season temperature is low, often below zero temperature Celsius, Snow falls in many parts of our earth.
Winter for our northern hemisphere, where we are and live, or summer for the southern hemisphere - the time of year, which begins on the day of the winter solstice, on December 21-22 and ends on March 21-22 at the spring equinox.
The main feature of the winter - low temperature resistant, we have it usually below 0 degrees Celsius at this time of year, snow falls in many parts of the Earth, covering a surface of the earth.
The change of seasons is due, as is well known - tilt the Earth's axis to the ecliptic plane.
Calendar winter in the northern hemisphere begins on 1 December and ends on 28 (29) of February and consists of three months - December, January and February in the Southern hemisphere, the winter months are considered - June, July and August.
The beginning of winter to the beginning of the solstice, it is accepted to calculate according to the traditions of Christmas and New Year, which in Russia was once called Christmastide.Это зима.Spring, like the other seasons, includes three calendar months of March, April and May, the description and characterization of spring give the people this - this is the most gracious and the expected time of the year, it is called all quickening. Spring for the duration of the summer is shorter, but slightly longer than the fall and winter.
Agree that spring most awaited time of the year, we are waiting for her after a long winter with special trepidation and hope. Spring is the three spring months, starting from the first rays of March, and after snowmelt and abundant in April, with a joyful awakening of nature the month of May.
Over the three months of spring, nature manages to clear himself from the shackles of winter snow, and the ground is saturated with moisture and rain washes the spring, and the whole plant and animal world is preparing for a period of growth, flowering and breeding. worldluxrealty.com/node/2817
Great time spring - one of the four long seasons, and learn about spring springtime, sayings, signs of spring, poetry, spring weather ...Это весна.People say that the fall time of wisdom, and to describe and characterize the autumn we can say with confidence, autumn time one of us leaves no one indifferent, it makes even the optimists and the happiest people in the world think about the transience and meaninglessness of our existence. Great time - Autumn time charm, one of the four seasons, find out about the autumn pore, holidays and autumn signs, poems, autumn weather.
Autumn, probably - the most charming and mysterious, marked with special paint season. Poets and artists of different generations, dedicated its autumn inspired poetry and painting, helping to expand this time of the year, in all its glorious colors.
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