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07.12.2021 00:12 •  Английский язык

№1 1 at 2 in 3 on 4 last: надо прибавить к словам monday, night, week, 2007, year, sunday morning №3 выбрать правильное 1 she bought an expensive car she buyed an expensive car 2 i played tennis on sunday i play tennis on sunday 3 did they wnet shopping yesterday? did they go shopping yesterday? 4 what did you do last weekend? what did you last weekend 5 "did you like the film? " "yes, i liked "did you like the film? " "yes, i did 6 i saw john last night i saw john on last night за это я тдал все 14 пунктов, сделайте )

1). On Monday, at night, last week, in 2007, last year, on Sunday, in the morning 2). 1-1; 2-1; 3-2; 4-1; 5-2; 6-1
4,5(27 оценок)

on monday, at night, last week, in 2007, last year, on sunday morning


1 she bought an expensive car

 i play tennis on sunday

did they go shopping yesterday?

what did you do last weekend?

"did you like the film?" "yes, i did

i saw John last night

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Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты 1-5 и установите соответствие между вопросами А—F. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний вопрос. Which of them has a job of a … ?

A. journalist B. doctor C. driver D. shop assistant E. nurse F. teacher

1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. 2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. 3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! 4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn‘t study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning I am ready to start my working day again. 5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor.

1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. C. driver

2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. - F. teacher

3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! - A. journalist

4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn't study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning,  I am ready to start my working day again. D. shop assistant

5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often, I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor. E. nurse

4,5(3 оценок)

My future career is a lawyer.
There are three reasons why being a lawyer is of importance to me. The first reason as to why this career is important to me is basically because the make tons of money and every one likes money I know I do and I know with a lawyer salary I wouldn’t have to worry about struggling to pay bills and affording stuff. In addition, I’m talkative and also sarcastic and I’m definitely not shy so that also suits me better for this career as because if you want to be a lawyer you must have the capacity to communicate to strangers with clarity, precision, and persuasiveness. Finally the most important reason why becoming a lawyer is of importance to me is mainly because my grandfather was also a lawyer and I look up to him he had a nice car big house and had tons of money and I look up to him as a person since I was little and I told him I was be a lawyer just like him.
The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street, linking it to society in many different ways. They hold positions of great responsibilities and are obligated to follow a strict code of ethics.
The practice of law involves a great deal of responsibility. Individuals planning careers in law should like to work with people and be able to win the respect and confidence of their clients, associates, and the public. Perseverance, creativity, and reasoning ability also are essential to lawyers, who often analyze complex cases and handle new and unique legal problems.
I enter college with my future already situated in their minds.

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