Tom and Cindy my parents My father His hair long. It short and straight. He a very long nose. My mother fair hair. It medium length and wavy. Her mouth big. Both my parents small eyes что написать в пропущенный словах
1) On the 9(ninth) of May we celebrate Victory Day. 2) Victory Day is a great holiday. 3) Every year on this day in all cities across the country parades and celebrations are held. In the evening you can watch a holiday salute. 4) We honour people who defended our country during the Great Patriotic War. Lots of people gave their lives for our peaceful life. We are proud of them. 5) We honour war veterans on this day. We give them flowers and presents. 6) We shouldn't forget about them!
1) Девятого мая мы празднуем День Победы. 2) День Победы - великий праздник. 3) Ежегодно в этот день во всех городах страны проходят парады и торжества. Вечером вы можете посмотреть праздничный салют. 4) Мы чествуем тех, кто защищал нашу Родину во время Великой Отечественной войны.Много людей отдали свои жизни за нашу мирную жизнь. Мы гордимся ими. 5) Мы чествуем ветеранов войны в этот день. Мы дарим им цветы и подарки. 6) Мы не должны забывать о них!
Do you think humans should be allowed to be cloned?
I don't like this idea. this is unnatural.
What benefits do you think cloning can have?
Those people who can't have children, will be able to get them. Clones are good material for experiments and tests.
What negative aspects do you think that cloning can have?
There too many people on this planet, we don't have space for clones.
Do you know what your countries policy on cloning is?
Russia doesn't participate in clonning tests.
Would you like to clone yourself or anyone else?
No. I don't need a copy of mine. or any of my friends. it would be not him or her, just a genetic copy, not human one.
If you could clone someone famous, who would it be and why?
Some actors or poets who died in youth.