B) Fill in lounch, explore land receives. 1 They plan to satellite to monitor global warming 2 NASA .. messages from Voyager about all the planets it passes 3 When did the first spacecraft on the moon 4 As a child, I wanted to space.
Presentations are always great! I succeeded in being a participant of one of them. When a person is making presentation it is always interesting, this doesn't look like an ordinary lesson or hometask. While performing with a presentation, a person can reveal his unique level of creativity or can deepen in the task and recognize many new useful and amazing facts. This can make other people more interested in the topic and later continue it even at university. It can motivate everybody for detailed studying any question
St. Petersburg is a city of Federal subordination, the second largest city in Russia with a thousand attractions. St Petersburg is the largest in Europe is not a capital city. During its history the city changed several times, names: was founded under the name of St. Petersburg, 31 August 1914 was renamed Petrograd, January 26, 1924 - in Leningrad, and on 6 September 1991, returned to its historic name.Санкт-Петербург – это город федерального подчинения, второй по величине город в России с тысячью достопримечательностей. Санкт-Петербург является крупнейшим в Европе не столичным городом. За свою историю город несколько раз менял названия: основан был под названием Санкт-Петербург, 31 августа 1914 года был переименован в Петроград, 26 января 1924 – в Ленинград, а 6 сентября 1991 года вернул своё историческое имя.