1. Could you do it yesterday?
2. This person can help you.
3. You don't have to go there.
4. Each person must follow these rules.
5. The bus was supposed to come at 5.
6. Could you help me?
7. He should visit his parents.
8. A child should not do that.(насчет этого я немного сомневаюсь)
9. When he was small he was able to swim well.
10. If children want to know English, they should work well.
1. Вы могли это сделать вчера? - Could you do it yesterday?
2. Этот человек может вам или This person can help you.
3. Вам не нужно туда идти. You needn't go there.(ни к чему) или You shouldn't go there.(совет) You mustn't go there.(запрещение)
4. Каждый человек должен соблюдать эти правила. - Everybody must follow these rules. или: Each person must follow these rules.
5. Автобус должен был прийти в 5. - The bus had to come at 5.
6. Вы не могли бы мне
7. Ему следует навестить своих родителей. - He should visit his parents.
8. Ребенок не должен этого делать. - A child must not do that.
9. Когда он был маленьким, то умел хорошо плавать. - When he was a small boy he could swim well.
10. Если дети хотят знать английский язык, они должны успешно работать. - If children want to know English, they should work hard.