1. I've never seen anything more obscene in all my 80 years on this Earth. a) metaphor b) periphrasis c) euphemism ✓
2. He was deep in thought and in debt.
a) oxymoron b) zeugma c) parallelism
3. Soldiers face powder, girls powder faces.
a) anadiplosis b) contrast c) chiasmus
4. He was not disinclined to take a certain cynical pleasure in observing and labeling his fellow wanderers.
a) litotes b) meiosis c) periphrasis
5. If I had only known it, this was a bad sign; a sign he was becoming stuffed up with spiritual pride and imagining himself better than his neighbors. (F. O’Connor)
a) framing b) anaphora c) anadiplosis
6. Ellen thought of herself as a very happy and very lucky person, because she had a good job, was able to buy herself a fair number of soft-colored dresses and skirts and sweaters and coats and hats. (S. Jackson)
a) asyndeton b) polysyndeton c) enumeration
7. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls. (A. Tennyson)
a) personification b) hyperbole c) simile
8. His mind was working like a first-class motor, and it already had a plan of action. (P. Wodehouse)
a) metaphor b) epithet c) simile
9 ...Similarly a woman of twelve is still in a way, – indeed in a whole lot of ways – undeveloped, she has scarcely seen enough of life to be able to select a mate with the same certainty with which the shipping companies pick them. (S. Leacock)
a) pun b) paronomasia c) metaphor
10. Not a bad guess, dad; you haven't missed it far. (O. Henry)
a) anadiplosis b) inversion c) understatement
11. … After all, this long tale, though it may deal with folk in frock coats, furbelows, and a gilt-edged period, is not devoid of the essential heat of conflict. (J. Galsworthy)
a) litotes b) chiasmus c) antithesis
12. “No, I wouldn’t say he was exactly… but there was something queer… there was something uncanny about him. I’ll tell you my opinion…”
He began to puff again at his pipe without giving us his theory. (J. Joyce)
a) understatement b) parallelism c) aposiopesis
13. My little man! My little mannie! Was ‘ou frightened, love?... There now, love! There now!... Lambabaun! Mamma's little lamb of the world!... There now! (J. Joyce)
a) hypocorism b) euphemism c) antonomasia
14. The more we peeled, the more peel there seemed to be left on. (Jerome K. Jerome)
a) contrast b) pun c) paradox
15. I think we have reached a point of great decision, not just for our nation, not only for all humanity, but for life upon earth.
a) polysyndeton b) gradation c) synechdoche
1) 1c, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12b, 13c, 14a, 15b
2) will she go to the swimming-pool tomorrow?
who will go to the swimming-pool tomorrow?
will she go to the swimming-pool or to the garden tomorrow?
she will go to the swimming-pool tomorrow, will not she?
3) 1.i don’t like cheese
2.she can doing yoga.
3.there are some cinemas and swimming-pools in our city.
4. do you have two magazines?
5. airplane is more comfortable than a train.
6. dad’s car is fast.
7. it’s warm. it’s summer. it isn’t foggy.
8. there’s my school behind a theatre.
9. we can’t playing hockey.
10. is a supermarket in your town?