How many dollars earn jeans business? which countries influenced on appearance of jeans? did Italy have a huge impact on jeans industry? which country made jeans tougher and harder? who is Jacob?
1. Well, earnings depend on the quality of jeans or whether it is a trendy thing. 2. I cannot say the exact answer because different countries have different fashions, different attitudes towards jeans, etc. For example, in North Korea it is forbidden to wear jeans.
During the times of the Soviet Union, space exploration was one of the main priorities. And a rocket undertaking the first flight into space departed from the USSR. That happened on the 12th of April, 1961. This day became an important part of history. The cosmonaut on board was pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Let’s find out something about the life of this truly heroic person. Yuri Gagarin was born on the 9th of March in 1934 in Clushino village, Smolensk area. He was a native from simple country family. Later he finished Lubertsy School in Moscow, then Saratov Technikum School. By the way, in Saratov he studied in the aero club.
Букингемский дворец - это официальная резиденция королевы, а так же главное королевское здание в Лондоне. Он находится в Вестминстере. Дворец предназначен для государственных заседаний. Само здание находилось во владении герцога Букингема в 1705 году. Георг III приобрел дворец в качестве официальной резиденции для королевы Шарлотты, известный под названием "Резиденция Королевы". В итоге, Букингемский дворец стал официальной королевской резиденцией английского монарха, а королева Виктория была первым проживавшим там монархом в 1837 году. Сейчас дворец - место для административных работ монарха. Здесь в государственных апартаментах Ее Величество принимает и развлекает гостей, приглашенных во дворец.
1. Well, earnings depend on the quality of jeans or whether it is a trendy thing. 2. I cannot say the exact answer because different countries have different fashions, different attitudes towards jeans, etc. For example, in North Korea it is forbidden to wear jeans.