1. What ...a fine day is today! 2. He usually smokes ... cigarettes or ..a. pipe. 3. What do you prefer: ... tea or coffee? 4. I went to ... Iyanovs, but they weren't at home. 5. They met at ..the. gate of .a.. school. 6. In ... our region of ..a. country ... winter is ..a. very cold season. 7. ..The. Large steel bridge joins ... two banks of ... river. 8. ... Rice and ..the. cotton grow in ... Ukraine now. 9. ... People who live in ... Canada speak French and ... English. 10. Both ... silver and ... gold are metals. 11. ... North America is washed by ..the. Pacific and ..the. Atlantic oceans. 12. He spent ... summer of 1990 in ... London. 13. ..the. triangle has 3 sides. 14. the... knowledge is .the.. power.
Вместо Хельги можешь взять другое имя. I have a little monster. It's name is Helga. Helga looks like little dragon. It isn't tall. Helga have an orange scales, long tail and cute little ears. Also it have a big beautiful blue eyes. Helga is very sensetive and don't like people, but it is lazy and funny. Helga like cherries, tea and pizza. It like dancing and read books. We often read books together. Our favorite books are about another worlds with a dragons, wizards, fairies, witches and elfs. Helga don't like any sports. On Sundays we go shopping together. We buy some food and a new book. I really love my little monster.
You’ve got
He’s got
She’s got
It’s got
We’ve got
They’ve got
‘s got = has got употребляется с единственным числом 3го лица