Hi, my dear friend. great to hear from you again. sorry, i haven't written for so long because i was ill. what a wonderful day i have. saturday is a very good day to spend it with your lovely family. we appreciate our time wich we spend together and do many interesting things with each other. for example, today we have had fascinating walk to the park and hd picnic there. after that we dicided to go to the cinema. we watch funny comedy about school. that day was amazing. well, i'd better go now to do my homework. see you soon
1) Из какой страны пришла традиция украшать елку на Рождество? The tradition to decorate Christmas trees came from France and Germany. 2) Кто ввел традицию украшать елку на Рождество в России? Peter the First started the tradition in Rusia to decorate Christmas trees. 3) Когда в Британии была введена традиция украшать елку свечами и подарками? In 1841 in Britain appeared the tradition to decorate Christmas trees with cadles and gifts. 4) Где стоит самая знаменитая елка в Лондоне? Кто ее дарит? The most famouse Christas tree is in Trafalgar Square in London. This is the annual gift of the Norwegian people British. 5) Как на западе называют Деда Мороза? Где он живет? Santa Claus.He lives in Lapland. 6) Как выглядит Санта Клаус? Santa Claus is a fat man with a long white beard, he is dressed in a red suit. 7) Как Санта Клаус путешествует? He flies on his magic sleigh with the help of reindeer. 8) Как Санта Клаус входит в дома, чтобы дать детям подарки, и куда он их кладет? He climbs down the chimney and puts presents in the socks that are hanging usually near the fireplace. 9) Какие цвета считаются традиционными рождественскими цветами? The traditional X-mas colours are red and green. 10) Почему иногда маленькие дети пишут письма Санта Клаусу? The kids are writting the letters to Santa Clause because they believe that he can make their dreamscome true if they only ask for it. 11) Когда появилась традиция посылать друзьям, коллегам и родственникам открытки на Рождество? In 1843 appeared the tradition to send greeting cards. 12) Какая еда считается традиционной рождественской едой? Turkey is the traditional Christmas food. 13) Какие рождественские гимны вы знаете? I know the following Christas anthems: Silver Bells, I Saw Three Ships, Silent Night-Holy Night 14) Как называется день после Рождества? The day after Christmas is called the Boxing Day 15) Как люди украшают дома на Рождество? People usually put a lot of lights inside and outside the house, they decorate X-mas tree, put sockes near the fireplace