You were wondering: "Pros and cons of films." From the pros can be listed:1)Expands your horizon of thoughts2) Draws your attention to modern problems.3)Teaches you moral lessons 4)Watching a film with friends is a good way to spend time and leads to interesting discussionsOf cons:1)Watching movie in cinemas is expensive2) Movies offer a poor view of history.3) Some films can promote and hate.4) Passion for movies worsens social life.My favorite films are Star Wars, Avengers, and everything is connected with fiction!
Shymkent is the third largest population and the first footprint city in Kazakhstan. It produces cotton, grain, melons and gourds, and a well-developed dairy and meat complex.In the thirteenth century Shymkent was captured by the Mongols and became part of the Golden Horde.
Шымкент — третий по численности населения и первый по занимаемой площади город в Казахстане. Здесь выращивают хлопок, зерновые и бахчевые культуры, а также хорошо развит мясомолочный комплекс.В тринадцатом веке Шымкент был захвачен монголо-татарами и стал частью Золотой Орды.
ответ: in the lesson is correct option