пожимать руки- to shake hands (When Americans are introduced for the first time, they usually shake hands...)
целовать в щеку- to kiss smb on the cheek (...when they meet friends or relatives they haven't seen for a while, they sometimes kiss them on the cheek. )
представляться по имени- to introduce by name (Waiters in restaurants will often introduce themselves by name)
обед «в складчину»- a "pot luck dinner" (Many people take a bottle of wine or some flowers when they are invited to dinner at someone's home, at a "pot luck dinner, all the guests bring something to eat. )
свадьба- a wedding (Traditional party occasions are a birthday, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July.)
приехать на десять минут позже- to arrive ten minutes late (When you are invited to dinner, it is usually to arrive ten or fifteen minutes late, this gives the hosts time to finish their preparations.)
повод для вечеринки- party occasions (Traditional party occasions are a birthday, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July. )
Roe deer is a cloven-hoofed animal. She lives in the woods. Eats large quantities of grasses, shoots of shrubs and trees. ROE deer is a small graceful deer with a short trunk, which rear portion is thicker and higher than the front. Forelegs shorter than hind. In winter, the trunk of the animal is grey or greyish-brown, sometimes grayish-red. Colouring in the back of the back goes to brown. The bottom color of the body fades to yellowish-cream. The tail is small , light-reddish or white. Limbs down gradually rigaut.Little kasuli very curious and still do not do not understand, unlike adults. Little will cosulet spotty coloration, so they are well camouflaged among the summer vegetation and foliage. At the age of 2-3 months, the cubs color darkens, becomes brownish-red. Spotting as regrowth of red fur turns pale and fades.
пожимать руки- to shake hands (When Americans are introduced for the first time, they usually shake hands...)
целовать в щеку- to kiss smb on the cheek (...when they meet friends or relatives they haven't seen for a while, they sometimes kiss them on the cheek. )
представляться по имени- to introduce by name (Waiters in restaurants will often introduce themselves by name)
обед «в складчину»- a "pot luck dinner" (Many people take a bottle of wine or some flowers when they are invited to dinner at someone's home, at a "pot luck dinner, all the guests bring something to eat. )
свадьба- a wedding (Traditional party occasions are a birthday, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July.)
приехать на десять минут позже- to arrive ten minutes late (When you are invited to dinner, it is usually to arrive ten or fifteen minutes late, this gives the hosts time to finish their preparations.)
повод для вечеринки- party occasions (Traditional party occasions are a birthday, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July. )