The king told the captain to collect the money. The king told the captain to set to work. The kind told the captain to don't cry. The kind told the captain to defend their kingdom. The kind told the captain to sing him a song. The kind told the captain to don't tell him anything bad. The kind told the captain to turn the metal into gold. The kind told the captain to bake him some bread. The kind told the captain to don't take his power from he. The kind told the captain to show him his magic mirror. Так?
Определённый артикль the употребляется: *Когда речь идёт об определённом лице или предмете. * Where is the pen? Где ручка? (известная нам) ***Перед существительным, если ему предшествует прилагательное в превосходной степени или порядковое числительное. * What is the longest river in the world? He was the first to come. ***Перед географическими названиями (названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных хребтов, частей света и т. д.) The Indian ocean, the Baltic sea, the North, the Thames, the Alps. ***Перед существительными, единственными в своём роде. What is the highest mountain in the world? *** ***.В ряде выражений, таких как : in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, etc. (etc - и т.д.)