Boar - a very common wild animal in central Russia. The closest relative of the boar is a pig. Hence, that's why there was a second name and a wild boar, "Wild pig." Modern scientists have identified twenty-five subtypes boar, but they all have similar features of this formidable animal. The length of the mother pig can be from 130 centimeters to 170 centimeters, according to scientists. Height of the boar may be 1 meter, then there are one hundred centimeters. Body weight usually reaches sixty pounds, boars are also weighing 150 pounds. But also in the stories were wild boars, whose weight was just incredible: two hundred seventy-five pounds! Hogs have a huge head, slightly stretched forward, like a fox.
For an 1) ……… (enjoyable), fun-filled holiday, Thailand is one of your most exciting options. Thailand has something for everyone. Taste delicious 2) ……… (spicy) food in 3) ……… (lively) restaurants or experience the 4) ………(colourful) nightlife in Bangkok, the capital city. Here you can choose from a variety of entertainment – from 5) ……… (traditional) dancing to modern musical shows. You will certainly enjoy the 6) ……… (peaceful) green valleys and 7) ……… (impressive) temples. If you are looking for more active holiday, you can hike through Thailand’s 8) ……… (mountainous) areas and rolling hills. Perhaps visiting a 9) ……… (sandy) beach and swimming in refreshing waters will give you new energy. Between sampling 10) ……… (tasty) Thai cuisine, seeing new sights and being entertained, you won’t have a dull moment.
Перепишите предложения в пассивном.1. Он вырезал вчера траву с новой газонокосилкой.2.Они показывают пожар на новости?3.Когда ветер дует вниз по дереву?4.Она ожидает, что ее босс, чтобы предложить ей повышение.5.Терри предложил ее подвезти на работу.6.Кто учит традиционный танец в этой школе?7.Люди часто вещи индейка, фаршированная каштанами.8.Они присудили ему премию за его участия в конкурсе.9.Будут ли они играть в теннис крытый корт?10.Мы готовим все блюда.11.Бабушка заботится о детях.12.Петр дал Джейн письмо.13.Кто сделал все эти торты?
Boar - a very common wild animal in central Russia. The closest relative of the boar is a pig. Hence, that's why there was a second name and a wild boar, "Wild pig." Modern scientists have identified twenty-five subtypes boar, but they all have similar features of this formidable animal. The length of the mother pig can be from 130 centimeters to 170 centimeters, according to scientists. Height of the boar may be 1 meter, then there are one hundred centimeters. Body weight usually reaches sixty pounds, boars are also weighing 150 pounds. But also in the stories were wild boars, whose weight was just incredible: two hundred seventy-five pounds!
Hogs have a huge head, slightly stretched forward, like a fox.