Писала как для себя, не знаю уж какие у тебя предпочтения)
1. I watch TV not more than one time a week.
2. My favourite programs are talk shows and documentaries.
3. My favourite channel is Discovery.
4. People often call TV "the window on the world" because it shows us different programs about travelling all over the world, TV gives us a chance to see people from different countries without leaving home.
5. I agree that television has the power to educate, but this power can works only when a person wants to educate. People should watch educational programmes to get benefit.
6. Commercial are annoying, but I understand, that TV can't exist without them. It's the main source of TV channels' income.
7. I think that there's not so much violence on TV. The world consists of violence. We should understand it and accept it.
8. I don't believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals. Every mentally healthy person won't do anything like that even if he saw something violent on TV, it would disgust him. If a person isn't mentally healthy he will do it anyway. Anything can be source of his ideas.
9. I use TV intelligently, I watch it not so often and only for self-education.
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