more beautiful than yours
Урок 6
16 Прочтите и ответьте на вопросы. (См. Книгу ученика, стр. 40.)
1 Какая официальная валюта США? Доллар США.
2 Сколько центов в долларе?
3 Что у каждой долларовой банкноты?
4 Кто изображен на однодолларовой банкноте?
5 Из чего сделаны банкноты доллара США?
6 Что общего у всех долларовых банкнот?
1) the official currency in the United States is the dollar
2) in dollars 100 cents
3) (я не знаю как ответить)
4)one dollar ATM depicting John Trumbull
5)dollar is made from 25% linen thread and 75%
( некоторые ответы я не смогла ответить) 乁( •_• )ㄏ
Let me give you a very simple example that nearly every adult can relate to.
As a child, the idea of Santa Claus filled you with excitement and happiness around Christmas time. One day, though, you suddenly came to the realization that Santa is no more than a myth. That revelation rocked your world! And probably made you very sad. But, it served your self-development. You wouldn’t have a lot of credibility with your friends and co-workers today if you still believed in Santa, right?
The Santa myth is timeless and magical – in fact, you probably shared it with your own kids because it’s so much fun for them. But when you changed your mind about Santa your reality changed in an instant.
b) more beautiful
Потому что than, значим мы сравниваем