A. Yes, I have, my bad habits are picking nose and nail biting.
B. Yes, I always bite my nails
C. Good habbits are morning exercises and eating healthy food.
D. Healthy eating habbits are eating only ecological food.
E. Bad eating habbits are eating unhealthy food and overeating.
F. Good study habbits are reading books.
G. Bad study habbits are cheating on the lessons.
H. I don`t have any habbits to cut people off while they are telling their stories.
I. I admire habit of brushing teeth.
J. For developing my good habbits, I must observe them strictly.
K. I think, that coming late is a really bad habbit, I always come in time.
Tom landed his helicopter on the roof.
Том приземлил свой вертолёт на крышу.
The helicopter landed on the roof.
Вертолёт приземлился на крышу.
A helicopter circled over us.
Над нами кружил вертолёт.
The helicopter is hovering overhead.
Вертолёт завис над головой.
How do helicopters fly?
Как летают вертолеты?
Nice car, right?Правда славный автомобиль?
I have to park the car.— Мне надо припарковать автомобиль.
An enormous car, completely green.— Огромный автомобиль весь зелёный.
Did you report a stolen car?— Вы сообщали об угнанном автомобиле?
I'm leaving my car for her.Я оставлю для нее свою машину.
1 born
2 consider
3 first
4 into
5 became
6 inspiration
Я думаю что так