my summer was wonderful. I walked with friends, rode my bike, read books. I also went with my parents to the Black Sea. the water was very warm. I also went to my grandmother's place in the village. picked berries, drank tea, bathed in the river. I didn't forget about my studies. that is why i often repeated English.
мое лето было замечательным. Я гулял с друзьями, ездил на велосипеде, читал книги. Я также поехал с родителями на Черное море. вода была очень теплой. Ещё я ездил к бабушке в деревню. собирал ягоды, пил чай, купался в реке. Я не забывал об учебе. именно поэтому часто повторял английский.
I go to school every day. Before me don't like go to school.My school is very new and modem and it is very conformable and all the pupils like it very much, it is really home for everyone, who studies there. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and high. There are classrooms for practically all the subjects - English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Literature, etc. There is a computer class in our school, -where pupils study computing, one of the most important subjects nowadays. There is a school hall in our school, too. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place there.
Как то так)
5. American football
6. Basketball
7. Swimming