In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand had a frightening experience with a shark but his calm reaction made him the star of news reports around the world. James Grant was fishing with friends one saturday when a shark attacked him. He did do not see anything, but he felt a sudden pain in his leg. At first, he thought that his friends were playing a prank on him. He turned around but nobody was behind him. Then he realised what happened.
Luckily, James was carrying a knife so he used it to fight off the shark. Then he got out of the water and looked at his leg. The bites were 5 cm long and they were bleeding a lot. James cleaned his leg. Then he and his friends went to a nearby cafe! While they were enjoying a drink, somebody gave James a bandage because his leg was bleeding. He went to hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he was back at work
This is a can.
Over two billion of them are thrown away every year in Britain alone. But these cans are destroying the tropical forests. How?
The cans are made of aluminum . Aluminum is extracted from bauxite .Bauxite is not found deep in the ground like other metals,but in the soil. Most bauxite can be removed, large areas of forest have to be cut down . Then a power station have to be built to provide the electricity so that the aluminum can be extracted from the bauxite . Then roads are needed to transport the aluminum. So some trees must be destroyed.
However, the forest needn't to be destroyed. Aluminum can be recycled easily and cheaply. But at the moment most cans are buried in the ground again. This waste should be stopped.
In Sweden and some states of the USA 95%of cans are recycled. Cans are taken back to supermarkets and exchanged for money.
This should be done everywhere. The tropical forest mustn't be destroyed just for drink cans.
My mother is very busy. Моя мама очень занятая.
She works a lot. Она много работает.
She is very tired in the evening. По вечерам она очень уставшая.
I love her and I help her. Я люблю ее и ей.
I clean my room.Я убираюсь в своей комнате.
Every day I wash the dishes after lunch and supper. Каждый день после обеда и ужина я мою посуду.
Sometimes I cook or help my mother to cook Иногда я готовлю или маме готовить.
Every Sunday we clean our flat. Каждое воскресенье мы убираемся в квартире.
I vacuum the carpets. Я чищу ковры пылесосом.
I wash the floor. Я мою пол.
I sweep the floor. Я подметаю пол.
I dust the furniture. Я протираю пыль на мебели.
I go shopping to buy food. Я хожу в магазин за продуктами.
I water all flowers in our flat. Я поливаю все цветы в квартире.