Общий облик. Сибирский хаски - рабочая собака среднего роста, быстрая и легкая на ногах, со свободными и грациозными движениями. Его умеренно компактное и хорошо одетое шерстью тело, прямостоячие уши и хвост в виде пера говорят о северном происхождении собаки. Характерный аллюр - ровный, на вид не требующий усилий. Выполняет свои исходные функции в упряжке в высшей степени удачно, перевозя легкие грузы с умеренной скоростью на большие расстояния. Пропорции тела и его формы отражают необходимую гармонию мощи, скорости и выносливости. Кобели имеют мужественный, но ни в коем случае не грубый облик; суки женственные, но не слабого телосложения. В хорошей форме, при развитой крепкой мускулатуре хаски не имеет избыточного веса.Голова: Черепная часть - среднего размера, пропорциональна телу; слегка округленная сверху и постепенно суживающаяся от наиболее широкой части к глазам. Недостатки - грубая или тяжелая голова; голова слишком утонченных линий. Морда - средней длины, т.е. расстояние от кончика носа до "стопа" равна расстоянию от стопа до затылочного выступа. "Стоп" хорошо выражен, спинка носа прямая от "стопа" до кончика носа. Морда средней ширины, равномерно суживающаяся к носу, на конце не заостренная и не квадратная. Губы хорошо пигментированные, плотно прилегающие; прикус ножницеобразный
The overall appearance. Siberian husky is a working dog of medium height, quick and light on his feet, and free and graceful. His moderately compact and well-dressed, hair body, erect ears and a tail in the form of a pen suggest his Northern heritage dog. Characteristic gait is smooth, they don't look effortless. Performs his original function in harness highly successful, carrying a light load at a moderate speed over large distances. Body proportions and form reflect the required harmony power, speed and endurance. Males have a manly, but in any case not a rough appearance; the bitches are feminine but not weak physique. In good shape, with a developed strong muscles husky is not overweight.
Head: the Skull of medium size and in proportion to the body; slightly rounded on top and gradually tapering from the widest point to the eyes. Disadvantages - rough or heavy head; head too finely chiseled. Muzzle of medium length, i.e. the distance from tip of nose to stop equal to distance from stop to the occipital ledge. The stop is well-defined and the bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to tip of nose. The muzzle is of medium width, tapering evenly towards the nose, on the end and pointed nor square. Lips are well pigmented and close fitting meet in a scissors bite
1. The US is situated in North America. It goes from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy northern Alaska to sunny Florida in the southeast.2. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, the Carribian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.3. The US has almost every kind of weather.4. The US has many kinds of land — rocky coasts, dry empty deserts, big rivers, wide plains and grasslands, lakes of all sizes, high mountains, great forests, sunny beaches, lands of endless winter.5. The population of the country is more than 250 million people.6.The US is a large country with many natural wonders. The Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, and Yellowstone park are among the most famous places to enjoy the beauty and power of wild America.7. The mighty rivers of America are the Mississippi, the Colorado and the Missouri.8. Big mountain chains are the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.9. The Grand Canyon attracts people because it is very big and beautiful with different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon. It looks different at different times of day and in the winter it is covered with snow.10. People say that the US is a young country because it’s only been independent for about three hundred years.11. Americans have tried to save many of the most beautiful wild areas of the United States. There are a lot of parks, forests and wildlands where they can enjoy the beauty and power of wild nature.12. I think that the U.S. is a "melting pot" because many different social groups from different religious, ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds have chosen to live here.
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