Составьте как можно больше слов, добавляя к основе приставки и суффиксы. Переведите образовавшиеся слова. Н-р услужливый), helpfulness (услужливость), unhelpful (неуслужливый), helpless (бес бес Приставка Основа/корень слова Суффикс 1. possible 2. polite -ful un- 3. stress 4. thought 5. agree -ity mis- 6. use 7. like 8. taste -less im- 9. understand 10. hope 11. care -ness in- 12. mortal 13. human 14. success -ment dis- 15. conscious 16. popular -able 17. profit
Alena Shvets is a synthesis of rock and post-bard, an eclectic mix of 21st century realism with quintessential medieval romanticism. And all this in a musical frame of acoustic guitar and a sweet voice.
Alena is 17 years old, lives in Chelyabinsk and studies in the 11th grade. She has been writing poetry since she learned to write. Simple and sincere songs of this girl appeared in the network only in the spring, but already managed to fall in love with everyone. In their 17 Alena Shvets released several albums, gathered 16 thousands of subscribers, voiced in "Phonoteka", and this only the beginning of.
Listening to it, you are immersed in the atmosphere of night voice, school, first love, as well as stars and conversations on the balcony.
In October 2018, Alena released the album "Bury me for society".
Today we decided to interview Alena to get to know her better.