2) -do you think they will finish the essay by tomorrow?
-yes, i'm sure they will finish.
3) i am sure: he will become a great scientist.
4) they are going to move to a new house.
5) -lucy will come to school tomorrow?
-i'm not sure about this, i'll call her.
6) -you have already done your homework?
-no, i'll do it now.
7) -i solve the problem in physics.
-i will help you.
8) i think john will come to school today.
9) he will be gone by the time we arrive.
10) -they will come in an hour.
-don't worry. i will finish cooking by then.
11) -here, take the pen.
-thank you, i'll give it in a minute.
2)to inform
4)To leave
5)to show
5нақты дұрыс деп айта алмаймын походу дұрыс болу мүмкін
6)походу to walk болады
нақты дұрыс деп айта алмаймын
9)She must to look after her children carefully