3 Write it right. Can you find six animals? 1) Match the pieces of paper. ele sha gold rab she gira phant rk bit fish ffe ep TYY 3. 1. sheep 2. elephant
When David was a boy, his hobby was making model 1 aeroplanes. He was not rich, but making them was not very 2 cheap. He enjoyed 3 flying his models in a field near his house. They went up into the 4 sky like big aeroplanes, and sometimes they fell and hit the ground with a big 5 bang. When he was older, he found a flying 6 club near his home, and he had some 7 lessons there. Sometimes the wind threw the small aeroplane around, but he was never 8 afraid, because he was a 9 brave young man. Once he nearly crashed, and his teacher said, " 10 Jump out!", but he did not, and the aeroplane came down quite well.
1.Steve ..can. speak English, French and Italian. Стив может говорить по англ. фран. и итал. 2) You..might. ask him to help with the translation. Ты мог бы попросить его с переводом. 3) Mr. Smith ..should. be in his office now. You..can. call him. Гн. Смит должен быть в кабинете. Вы можете позвонить ему. 4)..May. I ask you a question? — Of course, you ..can.. Можно спросить. Да, можно. 5)The students must… do their homework regularly. Студенты должны постоянно делать домашку. 6) You should…be more attentive at the lessons. Тебе надо быть внимательней на уроках. 7) In Britain you cannot... drive a car until you are seventeen. В Англии иы не можешь водить машину до 17 лет 8) You can… to take part in the competition next year. В след году ты можешь выступать на этих соревнованиях.