Make two noun groups from each set of words as in the model. Model: file: your secretary, legal documents.
Your secretary’s file, the file of legal documents.
1.story: Helen, the French revolution; 2. bed: the stream, the patient; 3. policy: full employment, the company; 4. style: my favourite writer, the 1930s; 5. place: language education, women; 6. arm: the chair, John. 7. rules: the club, football; 8. view: the committee, the lake; 9. head: the cat, the queue.
1.2 The Old man and the Sea - f) describes the life of an old fisherman
1.3 Forsyte Saga - d) tells about the human relations in a family for a long period
1.4 Strength of Concrete in Operational Media - g) concrete durability and protection methods
1.5 History of Communication - a) from smoke signals to Internet
1.6 The Endemics of the Pole Zone - c) how to save the North plants and animals
1.7 Ford as a father of Motor Mass Production - b) is devoted to one of auto pioneer
1.8 Michelangelo. Throes of Creation - e) the life story of outstanding sculptor and painter