Іпродовжити тві будь ласка дуже треба)) ось початок: harry was sleeping peacefully. he had a very late night and was fast asleep. however a sound could be heard from downstairs. it seemed to be coming from the living
He woke up. He was lieing and listening to sounds. Somebody was moving in the living room. Harry stood up. He opened the door and listened again. He heard a woman talking. He went downstairs. "it is only a woman" he thought " I mustn't be afraid of a woman" But he was afraid. It was very spooky at night. He came up to the door of the living room. He heard a woman moving, talking on the phone and making a noise. Harry thought that it was a thief. Came up close to the door. He wanted to open it but couldn't do it. He was seized with fear. Suddenly the opened sharply. It stroke Harry's head. He fell down and lost consciousness. Only in the morning he opened his eyes and found himself on the floor. There was no woman there. He stood up and went to his room. He was not sure thar the woman had been there at night. He thought that it was a dream. He said nothing to his family. He didn't want them to think that he was crazy or sleepwalker.
Моя будущая профессия My name is Svetlana. I am in the seventh grade. There are many different professions in the world, but I want to become a doctor. After finishing school I am going to enter medical institute. It seems to me that it’s my vocation. I like to help people. To become a doctor I must be good at studies because a doctor is needed and responsible profession. We trust doctors the main what we have – our life and that’s why a doctor must be qualified specialist. He must help people at any time of the day. A doctor can’t make a mistake. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be very heedful and openhearted people. A doctor always must worry about a health of his patient. He must be able to inspire patients with faith. My mother and grandmother are doctors. They are proud of their profession and like it. I consider that a doctor is the best profession. только имя сюда свое вставь и класс. ПЕРЕВОД Меня зовут Светлана. Я учусь в 7 классе. В мире существует много профессий, но я очень хочу стать врачом. Я решила, что после окончания школы буду поступать в медицинский институт. Мне кажется, что это моё призвание. Мне нравится людям. Чтобы стать врачом, нужно хорошо учиться, ведь врач - это нужная и ответственная профессия. Человек доверяет доктору главное, что у него есть - своё здоровье, поэтому он должен быть отличным специалистом. Он должен приходить на людям в любое время суток. В профессии врача никогда не должно быть ошибок. Хороший специалист всегда правильно поставит диагноз и назначит лечение. От профессионализма врача часто зависит человеческая жизнь. Они должны быть очень чуткими и душевными людьми. Врач всегда должен переживать за каждого своего пациента. Он должен уметь вселять веру на выздоровление в больного. Мои мама и бабушка врачи. Они гордятся своей профессией и очень любят её. Я считаю, что врач - это лучшая профессия.
Моя будущая профессия My name is Svetlana. I am in the seventh grade. There are many different professions in the world, but I want to become a doctor. After finishing school I am going to enter medical institute. It seems to me that it’s my vocation. I like to help people. To become a doctor I must be good at studies because a doctor is needed and responsible profession. We trust doctors the main what we have – our life and that’s why a doctor must be qualified specialist. He must help people at any time of the day. A doctor can’t make a mistake. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be very heedful and openhearted people. A doctor always must worry about a health of his patient. He must be able to inspire patients with faith. My mother and grandmother are doctors. They are proud of their profession and like it. I consider that a doctor is the best profession. только имя сюда свое вставь и класс. ПЕРЕВОД Меня зовут Светлана. Я учусь в 7 классе. В мире существует много профессий, но я очень хочу стать врачом. Я решила, что после окончания школы буду поступать в медицинский институт. Мне кажется, что это моё призвание. Мне нравится людям. Чтобы стать врачом, нужно хорошо учиться, ведь врач - это нужная и ответственная профессия. Человек доверяет доктору главное, что у него есть - своё здоровье, поэтому он должен быть отличным специалистом. Он должен приходить на людям в любое время суток. В профессии врача никогда не должно быть ошибок. Хороший специалист всегда правильно поставит диагноз и назначит лечение. От профессионализма врача часто зависит человеческая жизнь. Они должны быть очень чуткими и душевными людьми. Врач всегда должен переживать за каждого своего пациента. Он должен уметь вселять веру на выздоровление в больного. Мои мама и бабушка врачи. Они гордятся своей профессией и очень любят её. Я считаю, что врач - это лучшая профессия.
He woke up. He was lieing and listening to sounds. Somebody was moving in the living room. Harry stood up. He opened the door and listened again. He heard a woman talking. He went downstairs. "it is only a woman" he thought " I mustn't be afraid of a woman" But he was afraid. It was very spooky at night. He came up to the door of the living room. He heard a woman moving, talking on the phone and making a noise. Harry thought that it was a thief. Came up close to the door. He wanted to open it but couldn't do it. He was seized with fear. Suddenly the opened sharply. It stroke Harry's head. He fell down and lost consciousness. Only in the morning he opened his eyes and found himself on the floor. There was no woman there. He stood up and went to his room. He was not sure thar the woman had been there at night. He thought that it was a dream. He said nothing to his family. He didn't want them to think that he was crazy or sleepwalker.