Appearance Listen to the recording about Alex the Great's adventures and choose the right answer. The audio: Alex the Great's friend's name is The audio: Alex the Great Jack, Back Check
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week6 How many peple has he invited to the circus?
2. горит без десяти. Наслаждайтесь новыми приключениями Рей, Леи и Люка Скайуокера в этом замечательном научно-фантастическом фильме. 3. идет в половине одиннадцатого. Играют лучшие футбольные команды мира. 4. горит до утра. Вы можете делать утреннюю зарядку с известным человеком! 5. идет в пять утра. Это мультфильм Pixar о лучшем гоночном автомобиле - Молнии МакКуине. 6. Документальная программа идет без семи. 7. Образовательная программа. Миссис Смайл учит маленьких Таню и Сашу говорить по-английски. Тонет четверть
2 She has won alot of competions
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week
2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week6 How many peple has he invited to the circus?