Предмет педагогики — целостный педагогический процесс направленного развития и формирования личности в условиях её воспитания, обучения и образования. Объект педагогики — воспитание как сознательно и целенаправленно осуществляемый процесс. Объектом педагогики выступают те явления действительности, которые обусловливают развитие человеческого индивида в процессе целенаправленной деятельности общества. Эти явления получили название образования. Оно и есть та часть объективного мира, которую изучает педагогика.
ну вот
Vocabulary. Choose the right adjective of manner.
1. I looked for my keys. *
2. It was so cold so I walked home . *
3. We found the address . *
4. The baby is sleeping, so please talk . *
5. Tina was very tired so she cycled . *
II. Grammar. Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Обратите внимание на предложения, нужно выбрать по 2 ответа на каждое предложение. when-когда, while - пока.
1. We when the thieves into the house. *
were sleeping
2. One thief over while he away. *
was running
3. The police the money while they the garden. *
were searching
4. One thief away in a car while the police . *
was driving
didn't look
III. Reading
Read the story and answer the questions
One day last year , a homeless man, Glen James, found a bag in the door of a shop while he was walking around a shopping centre in Boston. At first , he didn't know what to do, but when he opened the bag he saw it had $40 000 in it so then he took it to the police. Many people thought that Mr James did a wonderful thing. Later, a website decided to raise money to help Mr James because he had no home or job. Finally, they raised over $140 000 from people all over the world. Mr James said " I'm really surprised and so happy. This is going to change my life."
1. What was Glen James doing when he found the bag? *
took it to the police
2. What was in the bag? *
$40 000
3. Who did Mr James give the bag to? *
to police
4. How much did the website raise for Mr James? *
$140 000
1. James says to Mary that she hasn't seen her for ages.
2. The mother writes that she is expecting soony to come soon.
3. Henry asks his friend if he is free.
4. Bobby asks who was that man.
5. Peter asks Tom when they will meet.
6. The mother says to her daughter that she has prepared a present for her.
7.The waiter asks the customer if he prefers coffee or tea
8. The mother asks her son when he is going to join them.
9. She asks not to open the door.
10. The mother asked her son what he had done.