Tessa Gray crosses the ocean in search of his brother, and in London during the reign of Queen Victoria, she discovers the lower world where vampires roam the streets, powerful wizards, werewolves, and other creatures. Letter brother is a trap, and the girl is kidnapped Dark Sisters of the secret organization "Club Inferno" that use its uncanny ability to transform into any person, learning other people's thoughts and feelings. Rescued from captivity Shadowhunters, Tess caught in a net artful intriguers and was horrified to realize that all of the Nephilim was in mortal danger. Girl standing in front of a difficult choice - to find and free his brother or with Shadowhunters join the battle to save the world. In this way, Tess will understand that love is more dangerous than the most terrible sorcery ...
1. The doorbell rang but there was nobody here. 2. Some reports were very interesting. 3.I need somebody who is an expert on this problem. 4. He said he had no wish to read detective stories. 5. There isn’t any news of him. № 2. Определите функцию причастия в предложении: 1. He wants the work done immediately( функция определения, стоящего после определяемого слова) 2. The captain watched the sailors unloading the steamer (функция определения). 3. I saw the workers packing the goods. (функция определения) 4. We watched them repairing the car. (функция определения) 5. I heard him shouting something from the opposite shore. (функция определения). 6. He watched them going down the mountain.(функция определения) 7. We saw him walking along the bank of the river. (функция определения) 8. The people watched the goods being discharged. (функция определения) 9. I saw the girl reading a book.(функция определения)) 10. The children watched the boys playing football. (функция определения) № 3. Подчеркните герундий, определите его форму и функцию. 1. I avoided speaking to them about that matter. (функция прямого дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 2. She burst out crying. (функция дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 3. They burst out laughing. (функция дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 4. She denied having been at home that evening. (функция дополнения, форма: tense - perfect, voice - active) 5. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling. (функция прямого дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 6. Excuse my leaving you at such a moment. (функция дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 7. Please forgive my interfering. (функция дополнения, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 8. He gave up smoking a few years ago. (функция- часть составного глагольного сказуемого, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 9. They went on talking. (функция- часть составного глагольного сказуемого, форма: tense - simple, voice - active) 10. He keeps insisting on my going to the south.(функция- часть составного глагольного сказуемого, форма: tense - simple, voice - active)
Одяг майбутнього
Shirt with wings
Jeans that can fly
The shirt is invisible
Teleport hat