Задание 2. Выполните упражнения, используя законспектированный материал. 11) It’s obviously (nature) behaviour for a son to marry at his age.
12) I can understand your ideas only (part).
13) Though it is a great story younger (view) may be confused with some sciences.
14) It is better to be divorced and (home) than married and (hope).
15) My teacher says there has been a big (improve) in my math.
2. My last visit to the shop
Imagine that last week you were in London and went shopping there. Уяви, що ти був ( була ) у Лондоні минулого тижня і ходив ( ходила ) за покупками там.
Write some sentences about this experience, using the following words. Напиши кілька речень про цю подію, використовуючи наступні слова:
була, рай, бачила, вибір,ціни,продавали, не купила, купила, вдала покупка.
Don't forget to use Past Simple Tense in your story.
Не забудь використовувати минулий час у своїй розповіді.