1. My father was watching an interesting programme on TV, while I was reading for the examination. 2. We were playing the chess when the telephone rang. 3. My parents were having an unpleasant conversation when I came into their room. 4. Yesterday I was trying to beat the computer at chess all evening. 5. In the zoo the lions were being fed from 8.00 till 8.30 in the morning. 6. While we were having a swim in the lake, Mary was preparing a pleasant surprise for us. 7. When we were playing football, I suddenly broke my leg.
The kazakh people are rich in traditions. nowadays many interesting traditions and customs of the kaxakh people have been forgotten. nauryz ( islamic new year) is one of the biggest holidays in central asia. guests are hosted in beautiful yurts. the traditional nauryz kozhe dish made of seven traditional ingredients. people this day forgive each other's debts and offences. у казахского народа много традиций. в наши дни много интересных традиции и обычаев забыты. наурыз- праздник (новый год в исламе) один из больших праздников в центральной азии. гости распологаются в красивых юртах и угощаются традиционным блюдом наурыз -коже,приготовленным из семи ингредиентов. люди в эти дни прощают друг другу старые долги и обиды.
What are you doing? - местоимение you всегда употребляется с формой глагола to be - are