1)Where does Tania live?
2)What time do Tom and Jim have dinner?
3)When do you get up?
4)Who is sitting after you?
5) What are you reading?
6)Who do you meet after school?
1)The bus stop is not far from here. - Present Simple от инфинитива to be
2)Several Moscow University physicists work at this problem. - Present Simple от инфинитива to work
3)this student first came to Moscow in 1985. - Past Simple от инфинитива to come
4)In a few days she will leave for Paris.- Future Simple от инфинитива to leave
5)He is writing his test program now. - Present Continuous от инфинитива to write
6)Have you bought the new software?- Present Perfect от инфинитива to buy
7)We shall be translating this text for two hours.- Future Continuous от инфинитива to translate
8)We had studied much defore we wrote our own programs.- Past Perfect от инфинитива to study
9)They will have got the results of new devices tests by summer. - Future Perfect от инфинитива to get
10)I have been waiting for you since 10 a.m.- Present Perfect Continuous от инфинитива to wait
1. Would you like to come and see it with me this saturday? Хочешь пойти со мной и посмотреть его в субботу?
2/ I'd love to see a film - but I hate Bruce Willis sorry! - Я бы хотел посмотреть фильм, но я ненавижу Брюса Виллиса.
There is an exhibition on at the scinse Museum about computers, it shows enteresting things. -
В Музее науки проходит выставка о компьютерах, там показывают интересные вещи.
We can go after school, but it closes early. - Мы можем пойти туда после школы, но она закрывается рано.
Where does Tania live?
When do Tom and Jime have lunch?
When do you usually get up?
Who does sit next to you in class? (I am not sure)
What do you read?
Who do you meet after school?