Жил был дедушка.У дедушки была гитара которую он любил.Однажды у гитары порвалась струна.Дедушка очень горевал.В этот момент около его дома проходил его друг-кролик.Он спросил что случилось и узнал о беде дедушки.Он пошел домой и открутил струну от своей старой гитары которую он тоже любил,но ему не хотелось видеть своего друга грустным.Он принес струну дедушку и тот был очень благодарен ему.Он заменил струну и начал играть на гитаре для кролика.Вот так кролик пожертвовал дорогой для него вещью для своего друга.
There once was a grandfather.My grandfather was the guitar he loved.Once the guitar broke a string.Grandpa was very grieved.At this point, at his house held by his friend-a rabbit.He asked what happened and learned of the trouble his grandfather.He went home and unscrewed the string of his old guitar which he also loved,but he wanted to see his friend sad.He brought the string grandfather and he was very grateful to him.He replaced the string and started to play the guitar for the rabbit.So the rabbit sacrificed dear for him a thing for his friend.
Ellie- is little girl. She lives in London. Ellie is very nice and beautiful girl. She always do her homework in time. But one year ago her life change. She had a too nice sister- Mila. Now Mila is one year. Ellie change with her life... She sleep at the table, eat in the bed. Ellie every night come into mother and father's bedroom and say: "Mila has red eyes..." Parents think, what their daughter crazy. In another night Ellie again come to parents bedroom, but now she said: "Come with me... Mila want to play". Parents come with Ellie and... They see the picture: Ellie and Mila dead. Blood, blood, blood. Mother fell, father call the doctor. Again this family not seen. Turn around... Because all family behind you. Пособие ужастика
I’m able to contact my friends.