1. What did you do from five to six yesterday? What did you do?
2. He was already 35 years old, and he was still studying at the university.
3. When I met him, he studied mathematics and several foreign languages. I was walking. and I called you.
4. The day before yesterday they played chess all day, and yesterday they swam in the pool.
5. I was working with a computer when the lights went out.
6. The singer sang his favorite song, but he did not listen because he thought about his problems.
7. Bean borrowed money from his friends all the time when he was at college.
8. Did you feel bad yesterday? Yes.
1. He is in the house. Go to him.
Он в доме. Пойти к нему.
2. She is at college. You can meet her there.
Она в колледже. Вы можете встретить ее там.
3. The bag is on the desk. Take it.
Сумка на столе. Возьми это.
4. We are late. Can you help us?
Мы опоздали. Можешь нам?
5. Ann is at school. Meet her please.
Энн в школе. Встречайте ее
6. They are at home. May I speak to them?
Они дома. Могу ли я поговорить с ними?
7. Pete may be late. Tell him the time, please.
Пит может быть поздно. Скажите ему время
8. I have a lot of pencils. Let us look at them.
У меня много карандашей. Давайте посмотрим на них.
9. Ann is at home. Tell her to come, please.
Энн дома. Скажи ей, чтобы прийти
Так как нет целого предложения, время точно определить невозможно.
Но давайте хоть попробуем :)
Глагол с окончанием -ing может быть или причастием настоящего времени (Present Participle Active), или герундием (НО: герундий временных форм не имеет!).
Причастия настоящего времени используются только в группе Continuous и Perfect Continuous (Present/Past/Future Continuous/Perfect Continuous) в сочетании с вс глаголами.
am/are/is +
|| was/were +
|| will be + 
have/has been +
|| had been +
|| will have been + 
- глагол (verb) с окончанием -ing
Исходя из всего этого, можно сказать, что время у этого глагола будет одно из этих: Past Continuous, Present Continuous, Future Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous