Яблоки, конечно же.Учили мы это еще в третьем классе.У нас был такой вариант:
One apple a day and the doctor away.
Дословно: одно яблоко в день, и доктор прочь.
Wildfires are uncontrolled burning of forest vegetation that spontaneously spreads in the forest area. The main causes of forest fires are heat, thunderstorms, careless handling of human fire.
Wildfires, depending on the nature of the fire and the composition of the forest are diхvided into lower, upper and ground. Almost all forest fires from the beginning of their development are grassroots, and if the appropriate conditions are created - goes into ground or upper. Upper fires cause the greatest damage.
The most important factors that contribute to the occurrence and spread of fires are air and soil temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed. Based on these characteristics, fire hazard indicators are calculated, the class and degree of fire hazard are determined. The number of fires and their area are also significantly affected by the frequency and intensity of thunderstorms, the maximum duration of hot and rainy periods, the duration and intensity of atmospheric droughts. The increase in fire danger is also facilitated by squalls, tornadoes, accumulation of wet snow, and icy rain, which, by damaging forests, create conditions for the rapid spread of fires.
The risk of damage urban population due to forest fires is determined primarily by the risk of human poisoning by forest combustion products. The substance that pollutes the environment is primarily smoke.
Ukraine is well aware of the devastating consequences of a sudden catastrophe in 1986, when a malfunction of the Chernobyl reactor, which was operated by inadequate staff, caused an explosion and emissions of highly radioactive steam and ash that spread around thousands of kilometers. Ukrainians and all world are still working to reduce the risk of further spread of radiation as a result of this catastrophe. One such effort is to contain possible forest fires in the Exclusion Zone, where 10,800 square kilometers of land in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia have been contaminated by radiation emissions.
The danger of wildfires became especially acute in April 2020, when the level of danger of nuclear pollution in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone increased due to fires. Controlling such fires requires huge resources to avoid long-term negative impacts on ecosystems and humans health. That's why it is important to ensure effective management of natural disasters to prevent a sharp increase in the consequences that can lead to devastating economic and social losses.This tool can be use to find
I'd like to go to Paris as it is one of the most amazing cities in the world. It has a lot of captivating sights. Not to mention the contribution to history when we talk about Louvre Museum one of the largest and most popular art museum in the world. Besides, some people say that the French sound more beautiful than any other and I'd really enjoy hearing that. Not sure what else to say but I'm pretty certain that it's much more than I think it is and this city hides plenty of secrets that I am about to discover.
Что то вроде такого. Пытался как можно проще, но думаю есть не понятные слова. Сори я просто на английском в университете не привык и проще ну никак не могу))
Удачи со speaking
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Дословный перевод: Ешь по яблоку в день, и врачу не будет работы.