Имя James взял рандомно, можешь любое поставить. 1) James said that he was thinking of going to Canada. 2) James said that his father was in the hospital. 3) James said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month. 4) James said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while. 5) James said that he had been playing tennis a lot recently. 6) James said that Margaret had a baby. 7) James said that he didn't know what Fred was doing. 8) James said that he hardly ever go out these days. 9) James said that he worked 14 hours a day. 10) James said that he would tell Jim he saw (или had seen) me. 11) James said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London. 12) James said that Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured. 13) James said that he had seen Jack at party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
Лондон-столица Великобритании, это город мечты, город, который я действительно хочу посетить когда-нибудь. Лондон состоит из четырех совершенно разных частей: Западный Лондон, Восточный Лондон, Вестминстерский Деловой центр. Западная часть Лондона известна своими богатыми магазинами, ресторанами, музеями. Восточная часть города гораздо беднее: ее жители-обычные люди, рабочие. Лондонский бизнес-центр - это место сосредоточения бизнеса; здесь расположено огромное количество офисов, компаний, бизнес-центров. Вестминстер является историческим центром города и богат достопримечательностями. В Лондоне можно увидеть множество достопримечательностей, в том числе Вестминстерское аббатство - готическую церковь, традиционное место коронации и погребения королей Великобритании, самые большие часы Биг - Бена, самое большое смотровое колесо в мире под названием "Глаз Лондона", Гайд-парк-самый большой и красивый парк города. В заключение хотелось бы сказать, что Лондон-это сказочный город, который должен посетить каждый, кто хочет расширить свой кругозор
1) James said that he was thinking of going to Canada.
2) James said that his father was in the hospital.
3) James said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month.
4) James said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while.
5) James said that he had been playing tennis a lot recently.
6) James said that Margaret had a baby.
7) James said that he didn't know what Fred was doing.
8) James said that he hardly ever go out these days.
9) James said that he worked 14 hours a day.
10) James said that he would tell Jim he saw (или had seen) me.
11) James said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London.
12) James said that Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured.
13) James said that he had seen Jack at party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.