My Favourite Singer
My favourite singer is Max Korzh.
Max was born in Luninets, a town in Brest Region, in 1988. In 2012 he recorded his first album, "Animal World" ("Животный мир"). Since that time Korzh has recorded five albums and had more than 20 music videos released. Max has already received several music awards.
In my opinion, Max is the most popular Belarusian rap/hip-hop singer at the moment. We, teenagers, like his songs because he sings about problems that are important to us, about family, friendship, motivation in life and he finds simple words to describe these problems.
This tree looks strange
-Yes, it looks like it's about to fall
I'm afraid I don't know how to use this camera
-It's easy, I'll show you
-What would you like to drink - juice or Coca-Cola?
-Thank you, I'll be juice
- Anton decided what to do after school?
-Yes, everything is planned. He will rest for a few weeks and then start a programming course
-What do we have for lunch?
- I do not know. I can't decide
"Come on." Hurry up, make a decision
-Okay, we'll take the chicken
-We need bread for lunch
- Yes? I'll go to the store and buy. Jane, I'm going for bread. You need something
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