Nowadays money play a very important role in people's lives. Some people believe that happiness can be reached only with a huge wallet in your pocket, when others think that money doesn't equal happiness. Who is right? The question is controversial. Now I am going to express my point of view and debate with my opponents.
Personally, I strongly believe that you can't be happy without money nowadays. Firstly, if you're wealthy, you can get a better life and reach a new social level. Secondly, if you have money -- therefore, you've got independence and a certain amount of options. Basically, you can choose from whatever you want, and the more money you have, the better your options will be. Thirdly, you can buy some trendy clothes that makes you seem more attractive than people who can't afford them.
However, there is another opinion that money are still just a mean of payment. To begin with, you can't really buy human values and pure, sincere feelings. Also, when money become not just a mean of payment, but a goal, that's where the problems begin. Money are often a object of speculation and theft.
Undoubtedly, just money alone doesn't bring anything good. Yet, I insist that money, exactly, became the sign of a happiness and wellfare of a human being because with the help of money we can realise various and interesting projects, get a good education and just make our lives more comfortable and safe.
In conclusion, i can say that we all perceive money in our own unique way, we all act differently to its presence or absence, but we need to learn how to handle them properly.
The sheriff was more frightened and wanted to go back, but Robin Hood invited him to dine with Merry Men. That was just what Robin Hood always did. He gave those men, who took money from poor people, a very fine dinner, and than he made them pay very much money for it. The sheriff understood that he was in the hands of Robin Hood. After dinner Robin Hood asked the sheriff to pay for the dinner. «I am poor men,» said the sheriff, «I have no money.» «No money! What have you in your bags, then?» asked Robin. «Only stones, nothing but stones,» answered the frightened sheriff. Robin's men opened the bags and put the three hundred pounds of gold on the ground. «Sheriff,» said Robin, «I shall take all this money and give it to the poor. You have taken much more than that.» Then Robin told his men to bring the sheriff's horse. The sheriff got on his horse, and Robin led him through the forest. Than he said good-bye to the sheriff and went away laughing. So the sheriff paid three hundred pounds in gold for a dinner with Robin Hood.
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