Ordinal Numbers Directions: Write 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ath, and sth under the correct pictures. Then, fill in the blanks MATT CARTONS SCIENCE DOO The is in the spot. The is in the spot. The is in the spot. The is in the spot. The is in the spot.
1. He (studied) better than his father (had done). 2. They (spent) their vacation last year at the same village where they (had lived) many years before. 3. When we ( came) she had already ( sent) the children away and (was free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (bought) a new watch as I (had lost) my old one. 5. He (took) the boy to the door by which he himself (had entered) the room. 6. He ( opened) his eyes, then ( looked) around and (thoght) for some time, trying to remember what (had happened) to him. 7. After they (had travelled) in the Caucasus they (decided) to make a sea voyage. 8. After they (had gone) at last I (went) to bed. 9. He (ate) all the cakes after we (had told) him not to do it. 10. The day after the party he ( asked) why we (had left) so early.
The usual meals in GB are breakfast, lunch and supper. The usual English breakfast is porridge of corn flakees with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade (made from orange) with buttered toast and tea or coffee. Generally the British have lunch at 1 o'clock. The lunch at home from bussinessman is impossible but they can eat lunch at home. They has cold meat (left probably from yesterday's dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles with a pudding or fruit to follow. Sometimes they have a mutton chop or steak and chips followed by biscuits and cheese and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. They began with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, a sweet, fruit and nuts. The Englishman can drink 67 cups of tea trough out the day. They seldon put lemon juice or rum in their tea, usually they have it with milk. I think that's all :)